The uniqueness of is a unique B2B web-application to find, analyse and download B2B contacts for further sales, marketing and many other purposes.
There is no comparable tool on the market!
USP is the aggregated access to publicly available business data of lterally all companies in Germany. Users benefit from free and up-to-date contact material for any kind of marketing activities. Data can be downloaded ‘ready-to-use’ (Excel or CSV files) with no volume limit
Learn more about features and how to use on the 3 short introduction videos.
How pays off for users does not limit download of datasets.
Some may say we are disrupting the address brokers’ industry. If so, some are right :). accessess, structurizes and displays publicly available business data within one web-application. The amount of available contact data recently sums up to > 3.5 M adresses. provides a value of 700.000 € + to users! User licenses are avialable from 199 € (6 months accesss). Data is updated weekly! No extra cost for downloaded datasets applies!
Comparison: “Using”
vs. “Buying addresslists with address brokers”
This comparative calculation is based on 10,000 address datasets: – 6 months access | € 199.00 |
Free address download | Yes |
Cost per dataset | € 0.00 |
Cost of addresses | € 0.00 |
Multiple use of addresses | € 0.00 |
Address update | € 0.00 |
Total cost | € 199.00 |
Where we stand
Our team developed a new, more modern and lightweighted design and many functionalities have been added for the 3.0 release in June 2016.
Numerous text extraction and data finishing modules have already been developed and are working in the backend of the application.
With the current version is faster and the aggregated data density became considerably larger. Besides the NACE-Code search in advanced mode, more English technical terms can be used in simple search to find specialized German companies. But – there is still room for improvements…
You will have your own license when joining this campaign so you can use the system yourself and see how powerful it already is.
Where we want to go
There are various features to be developed that will make the “Swiss Army Knife” of B2B Web-applications. Some of the major ones are:
- Additional data attributes and documents
- will become interactive
- A B2B marketplace
- Networking amongst international users
- API’s to pass and integrate data and statistics to other applications
- International marketing campaigns to distribute worldwide.
- and many more…
As time is the key to success we need to speed up development significantly and reach our goals before others do…